Data Protection Impact Assessment
When the processing of personal data may expose to the rights/freedoms of natural persons to higher risk, or new technology is used, an assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data shall be carried out. The data protection impact assessment shall be carried out prior to any data processing.
The data protection impact assessment is a useful tool and should be treated as such, as it can assist controllers in identifying the most effective way of complying with their obligations concerning the processing of personal data, while also meeting natural person’s expectations regarding the protection of their privacy. A complete data protection impact assessment allows the controller to identify and resolve problems at a very early stage, thereby reducing the cost – and any reputational harm – which would arise in the absence of a data protection impact assessment.
Based on our extensive experience in conducting impact assessments both under the current and previous legal frameworks, our firm has developed an easy-to-use IT tool that allows for and ensures immediate, easy and comprehensive gathering of all the necessary information, followed by evaluation from a legal and technical viewpoint, that will lead to a comprehensive data protection impact assessment in full compliance with the requirements of the GDPR.