If you process personal data and that processing is not occasional, you are bound to maintain a record of processing activities, which:
- shall be in electronic format
- have the minimum content specified in the Regulation
- be constantly updated and accurate
- Will be made available to the Supervisory Authority upon request.
The Data Mapping Box includes a smart IT tool which is designed and tailored to meet the needs of those who are not, and do not need to be very familiar with the detailed content and specific concepts of the Regulation. After an easy-to-follow, comprehensible and guided process in which we provide all necessary information (giving examples and proposed answers). So all you have to do to create a record of processing activities that fully complies with the relevant provisions of the Regulation is click a button.
At the same time, it is also possible to monitor and update the record at any time, giving your business an almost complete picture of its day-to-day operations which extends beyond compliance with the Regulation to making changes and optimising procedures for more effective operations and savings on resources.